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DIY Shower Bombs

Branding - The Craftary Dots

We all know what bath bombs are... those foaming, colorful, scented, skin-softening spheres you've been throwing in the tub. If you don't like or don't have time for a  hot soak in the bathtub, there's the shower bomb. It's a disk made similar to bath bombs, except the focus isn't on softening the skin, but on the fabulous aroma, courtesy of essential oils. 

Unlike a bath bomb that must be submerged to work, shower bombs generally have a higher concentration of essential oils, therefore should not be used in a bathtub. The higher concentration of essential oils may irritate sensitive skin. There is an exception for the soles of your feet though.



Certain scents may transmit messages to the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for emotion regulation. Shower bombs adopt this practice by using specific oils that focus on dispelling anger, frustration, and stress to create the optimal relaxation experience.

  • 2 cups baking soda

  • 1 cup citric acid (available at health food stores or online)

  • 2 Tbsp. water

  • 30+ drops of your favorite aromatic essential oil (see our suggestions below)

  • Mix together the baking soda and citric acid in a medium-sized glass or metal bowl with a metal spoon.

  • In a separate small glass or metal bowl or bottle, mix together water and essential oil.

  • Slowly add the oil-water mixture a few drops at a time into your dry ingredients, stirring well after each addition (a stand mixer works well for this).

  • When ingredients are thoroughly mixed, tightly pack them into 2-inch balls using your hands, a stainless steel cake pop mold, or a cookie scoop.

  • Set on a plate to dry. If necessary, pack the balls again more tightly. Allow to dry for 12+ hours before using.


  • Store in a glass or metal airtight container in a cool dry place.


  • To use, simply place a bomb near your feet under warm running water and enjoy the aromatic experience!

Suggested essential oil additions:

YL tip: Start with fewer drops and add more as desired. You can always add a little more, but you can’t take any out.

Always combine essential oils with a carrier oil

To help the essential oils dilute and disperse, combine them with carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, or V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex.

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